Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Creepy Conservative Update

Today's young conservative watch is a self-proclaimed Harper-ite who feels that her leader, like the entire conservative movement, is persecuted by the "liberal" media. Perhaps this image is a small example of the "liberal" media they hate. Buy then really, does any critism of the conservative idea imply anti-conservative bias? While I would be the first to point out the hypocracy of the media, the conservative criticism seems to be that any critique of the Conservative party represents bias. I wonder if they feel conservative bias when they open the business pages? Perhaps their criticism speaks to their real fears of democracy.

But today's young conservative is particularly upset about the media's stance on gay and lesbian marriage. Yes, it is good to see such fundamentalist views in someone so young. This can only add hope for the future...wait they aren't really that conservative, that's liberal media spin. And really they love gay people...just not their right to marry...or to live in their neighborhood...or to have a gay and lesbian positive education taught in public schools...well you get the point....


Carlyjayjay said...

...Because those ultra-conservative Bearded Ladies in the circus would drive you batty? So the only option left was political science...? That's my guess.

Carlyjayjay said...

The previous comment was, of course, meant to go on the blog post AFTER this one. It makes way more sense that way. I guess I clicked far too enthusiastically.

Anonymous said...

but the real issue is where do you stand on peas?